Saturday, April 17, 2010

Date Night

Den and I try and do a date night every week together. The catch is, we try and do something new together every time to keep us interesting #^_^# *aging factor* Last Saturday, we went to Tom, Dick & Harry’s restaurant cum pub located at TTDI, KL. Cosy spot to hang around, waiters are really friendly and dishes are ok but pricey. We started out with a bowl of creamy mushroom soup ^^ The porky dishes are popular there so Den picked on curry pork dish along with their specialties: toast and papadam. Me on d other hand, still stick to my all time fav.: creamy & cheesy spaghetti carbonara…yum!

We rounded the night off with a drink at La Bodega@Bangsar and voila! We had a lot of fun playing scrabble that night. It somehow sparked that problem-solving part of our brains which in turn brought out the cheekiness between us. The brain chemistry that is sparked off by doing something novel and fun builds a completely different rapport to what we have been together any other time in the week.

It was a silly and hilarious date night but a bunch of fun and though I loss, it was just as fun ∩__∩y

Romance Factor: 3/5
Fun Factor: 4/5


Monday, April 5, 2010

Fallen Angel

It was supposed to be a beautiful Wednesday morning despite the scorching sun. I was happily walking out from the monorail after a light-hearted chat with May. But,it was not a bright day to kickstart with. While I was gingerly stepping down the stairs,I felt a great force pulling my legs and the next minute I knew,I was falling down a flight of stairs!!!*horrors* The newspapers that I were holding were flung into d air and my heels were thrown a few inches off my feet. Lady luck was smiling at me and my hands intuitively grabbed on the stairs. Otherwise, I can't imagined if were to snowball down the stairs!!!*horrors x2* or if my face falls first down the stairs!!!*horrors x3* Niways,I was ok; just got afew of bruises on my knees and abit dizzy. There were two good Samatarians who were kind enough to offer me a helping hand. Both scooped me up under my arms, picked up my newspapers & heels and ensuring if I were ok before they left. How sweet! Niways,I thought I would have better wiki for some handy tips just in case if I were to swing into action again *touch wood!*

1. What to do when you fall downstairs? If you ever fall down the stairs, you should put an ice pack on whatever part of your body you hurt everyday, and you should wait a week until the pain is all gone, if the pain continues after 1-2 weeks you should see a doctor or you should take some medicine.

2. What do you do when you fall down stairs and can't move? Lie on a soft stop and place ice where it hurts.

3. What to do if you fall down stairs and got bruises? Take ARNICA - it'll help with the bruising!

4. What to do if you fall down stairs and hit your head? You should get checked out by a physician; you may still have had a concussion though it's not always obvious. Also, put some ice-packs on that knot of yours to reduce swelling.

It is sad, that i had to endure the pain alone... Luckily, there were some angels there to comfort me and acted so quickly to help me. To-you-know-who-you-are,thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool

NY: Take that! Lee Hom just announce tat he's a freakin GAY!

Me: Huh? Really? Where did u hear about it?

NY: Is in d news, go check out....

(lunch time)

Me: I can't check now, I'm having lunch...OK,bore me with d details...

NY: Ops,sorry. Is Ricky Martin actually...

Me: #!@$ Gee, thanks... U almost ruined my lunch!

NY: Well, u might not know if Lee Hom is not...Ricky Martin,so man,oso gay wat..

Me: No,is different...At least,Lee Hom din shake his bon bon *bluek*


Well, so much for April Fool,folks.....Hope that u had an amusing one ^^
