Arriving just past 7pm, we were just in time for cocktail party to mingle around and chit- chatting. Met up with a few other colleagues, whom dressed to nine and shortly after, we were ushered to our dining tables. The wedding dinner started at 8pm sharp sharp! And I were quite impressed already because the last wedding dinner I went to, dinner was served@9pm =.=

The grand entrance for the new couple ^^

Cosy and simple ambience ^^

Too bad not all seats were fully occupied~

Me in white dress #^_^#

My angelic colleague ^^

There were plenty of bright coloured tanglungs dangling on the bamboo sticks to cheer up the Chinese inspired wedding dinner ;)

Out of boredom, I played around with the effects on my foon by capturing a ghostly effect of the wedding banquet. It turned out to be quite spooky lolz

The chinese wedding banquet started off with much fanfare when all the zimuis donned in red walked out from the grand entrance towards the stage while sprinkling rose petals down the aisle before the bride and groom walked in ^.^v

After few dishes, this was followed by cake cutting ceremony and they did the pouring champagne pyramid thingy. Overall, the dishes that night were great and I personally like their nourishing “monk jumps over” soup comprising of shark fin, abalone and some chewy fish ^^ Just a little disappointment was their garlic chicken which was too salty for my tastebud ︸_︸
Red bean paste rolled up like a strudel, yummy!

I find their dessert, Mango Puree and Vanilla Ice Cream very unique. I’ve never come across one yet, and enjoy every sip of it ^^

Cool huh?

An obligatory pic with the newly married couple before bidding goodbye ^^

P/.s: Blessed wishes for the newly weds ^^
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