Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thomas Cup:Malaysia beat Denmark@3-2 in the Quaterfinals

After much abuzz of the Thomas cup this morning in office,I was propel not to miss the quarter-finals today! *gung-ho* Me and colleagues were chit-chatting over yesterday match on how Japan took on Malaysia team. Surely,it was a disappointment as Japan was seen as the blackhorse in the match and unassumingly made way as the group champion for the quater-final matches.

Following yesterday lost,Malaysia team was coming back strong tonight in the battle with Denmark. Surely enough, Md Hafiz Hashim prove his worth with his aggressive prowess against Danish player;Joachim Persson. He managed to salvage the team and clinched the winning point in the decider thus placing the team to Semi Final (^.^v

P/s: All the best Malaysia team! U guys can do it! Boleh! Boleh! Boleh!


  1. wa, sports commentator. high spirit in the air *cheers*

  2. Haizz But Msia kalah jugak...LinDan even got d time to practise popping dance =.=
