Happy WooHoo Year! *roars* How was ur CNY this year? Balik Kampung? Hope that everyone had a great time gathering & reunion dinner with family and friends ^^ CNY for me has always been gathering with relatives and catch up with frens. This year was non-exceptional. This year however was exceptionally hot season... As usual,I had a whirlwind shop on clothes even few months before CNY hehe {{{(>_<)}}} Niways, here are some of my backlogged stuffs to write on CNY ^.^ Reunion dinner this year was at Dragon Pearl restaurant in Seri Petaling. v had d usual7course dinner but the dishes were so so. On chor1,me and family started our 'bai nian' session to our cousins' house,just the usual chit chat,gossiping around and popping non-stop on the CNY junkies (shit!dun remind me about the kilos!) -____-" What's more,I was just boasting about the number of Yee Sang’s I’ve been having the other day to pe. Can't imagine my weight now for a continuous 5days~ But, the best dinner would be in Kam Lun Tai restaurant which is located at Seri Petaling. Mum told me that in 80s,Kam Lun Tai was famous for mooncake initially before turning into a "chan teng" well known for its dim sum & Chinese cuisine. We had a typical Chinese set dinner, started with Four Hot & Cold Combination. I heart d Baby Octopus *yum!* Second dish of d set was Shark's Fin Soup. This one was served in slightly bigger bowl than the usual ones with crabmeat that taste so nourishing, loved it ;)D Suckling Piglet was equally tempting with just nice fats.My bro's fav.!D next mouth-watering dish was d steamed "long dan" fish,simply delicious followed by a plate of Golden Crispy Prawns. D Salted Egg Prawns were thumbs up, yumzzz! For Dessert, we were served Crispy Pancake and red bean soup. D pancake definitely has my vote, yummy(*^@^*) Da above 8-course CNY set meal costs about RM 888 for 13 persons, excluding drinks. Worth a try ∩__∩v Also,spent sum time 'bai nian'@Chi Muis' hse and catch up sessions *gossip x2* V oso watched CNY Movie: 72 Tenants of Prosperity. Had so much laughter watching this “mo lei tau” comedy with generous amounts of slapstick ‵(*>﹏<*)′ Though my cousins didn't quite like it saying that it was messy & slightly irrelevant narrative (too many stars i guess),i thought it was just just nice to make us feel jolly & happy at that moment ^_^ Though,personally,i prefer Lee Hom's 'Little Big Soldier' ★~★ At night,me & andrea decided to check out the new club
The Opera,at Sunway with my bro & male cousins tagging along (security purpose hehe) Nah, 1of them brought along their female friends as well...+,no cover for ladies since it was Wednesday night,yay!
So! The Opera. It was different from the d usual clubs,it was brigther...hehe Probably the inside walls are white...Deco sumhow resembles d theatres and art houses with the random deco (i dunno wat is it called) #^_^# emblazoned in gold, along with the red PVC leather & silver sequins chairs & wall coverings. The bar had these cool masks as deco too! Thought d deco was quite artistic but not sure if it's a club/art gallery...We managed to catch d acrobatic show with local acrobat girls dangling on air? Well,it was quite cool...But,thought it was rather random. Niways,had so much fun carn-whoring and dancing with gorgeous Andrea ^.^ The music was really good!!! They were playing radio & club hits, pop, R’n'B stuff, and not so much on house. Bro had fun too shuffling to d tempo of music,glad he enjoyed it!
OK-DOKs,dat's all for my CNY. Hope that you all had fun too ^^ Wishing everyone that the Year of the Tiger will be a ROAARRRRIINNGG success and happiness!!! *Kung hee Kung hee*

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