Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 resolutions

Happy New Year,peeps!

I was jogging with adeline & eric the other day,when this question popped out. "What's your reso this year?" This is tough. I always find New Year's resolutions are hard to be kept. I thought about resolving to every girls' wish: to lose weight.It would be nice to shed off afew kilos so to look less chubby in pics (*>﹏<*)

To reminiscence 2009,it was a bliss for me,I got to know my dear and we became an item. Also,I got to go places that i've never been with D. I know i'm kinda jacun but Phuket,Ipoh,Broga Hills,Bukit Cahaya,Penang & lots more were fantastic. This year,I wish to travel to more places with D and to share our travel moments together #^_^#

Then I thought of friends and family members I see less these days.I hope to be a better friend in 2010:more caring,smses,facebook updates & catch-up sessions.All for "girlfriendology" =p As for family members,i recalled once my little cousins were staying overnight@my home,the feeling was so warm when i told them bedtime stories,share laughter at our silly jokes, brought them for a sumptuous lunch & follow by shopping thereafter. It was simple but a moment to be cherish ^_^

I've never learn to cook even though I've always like to try out different types of food though i can't take alot o_O Well,remember,there's the to-lose-weight reso to be kept as well^^ This year,I would like to start a new hobby:cook. Yea,it could not be that hard right? After all,i cook spagetthi *look up* To start off,i'm gonna kickstart with mum's cooking before going for the complicated ones...Wish me luck!

Ever since I work,i've turned into an ogre shopaholic. I would considered myself a prudent shopper previously but not since after i start working.Blame it on the extra cash or stress,i find my mind always linger to "wat-to-buy whenever i've free time. It seems like i find excuses to buy anything i came across even if i've extra or of no use.(*>.<*)This year,i want to SAVE MONEY! For a better future (^.^v

Ok-Doks,guess that's all about it. Not too overwhelming,i think.All for a better & a happier person. Hope to bring this on so wish me luck,folks (^_^)∠※

sassy cat


  1. I want to try your pasta! Tak aci, only cook for D *green eyes* The best lose weight method is swimming! When when? hehe

  2. Hehe can can,but bila u free wor? Every week go cuti-cuti Msia ;p
